If you know the elapsed time, put that in the second field and leave the start time at 0.
Time: –
Progress: out of
{Remaining Time} CalculatorResult
Show decimals
This has no impact on the calculation; it is only a visual effect when using
numbers without colons.
Usage notes
Inputs are evaluated as JavaScript to support values like 23*3600+59*60+59.
For convenience, it replaces the first colon with +1/60* and the
second with +1/3600*, such that hh:mm and hh:mm:ss will parse and the
output unit will be that of the largest position (hours in the case of hh:mm:ss).
Note that entering 0:5 is interpreted as 0:05.
Days are not supported: it keeps multiplying with multiples of 60 when you enter dd:hh:mm:ss.
When entering a start time >0, the rows in an italic font that appear are
absolute values rather than relative (if you put a wall-clock time into the start
time, then the finished time will be a wall-clock value as well).
To start tracking the ETA anew (e.g., if your network condition changed),
for example after transferring 50 out of 100 GB, you could use 50-50
and 100-50 as values for progress. Set the start time to this moment.
Once it progresses to 51GB, you update the first field to become 51-50
and set the current time, and it'll give an ETA based on the most recent 1GB only.