Start time: time units (e.g. seconds, hours, ...)
Elapsed/end time: time units
Progress: points out of total points
Time elapsed: time units
Time remaining: time units
Total time needed: time units
Show decimals

Fill in the elapsed time and progress.
If you don't know elapsed time, fill in start time.

Example use:

Time units are evaluated as JavaScript expressions to support values like 23*3600+59*60+59.
For convenience, it replaces the first colon with +1/60* and the second with +1/3600*, such that hh:mm and hh:mm:ss will parse and the output unit will be that of the largest position.
Note that days are not accounted for: it keeps multiplying with multiples of 60 when you try to enter dd:hh:mm:ss. And note that 0:5 means 0:05.