Proposed features/Drinking water attributes

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Proposed drinking water attributes
Status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: brycenesbitt
Tagging: amenity=drinking_water
Applies to: node,way
Definition: a proposal to add several new attributes

Drafted on: 2011-08-06

The following are proposed standard attributes for the drinking_water tag:

Key Example values Notes
  • yes
  • no
Does this fountain reasonably anticipate filling a water bottle or canteen?
level G Water taps inside buildings should be tagged with the floor number, in the same convention as that used by the building's own elevators or signage. Fountains with a level= tag will imply indoor=yes.
  • ok
  • needs_repair
  • broken
To allow reporting, please use only the given tag values.

"Drain is plugged with sand, water drips on my knees"

Repair status, blank or empty if the fountain is in a good state of repair. This information is meant to be periodically submitted in spreadsheet form to local authorities.
image Primary photo of the water source, to help people find it. Additional photos may be tagged by adding numbers (e.g. image_2, image_3).

Extended tags for dedicated mappers

Key Example values Notes
fountain=* nasone A subcategory of facility type (e.g. the "big nose" or nasone fountains of Rome... or GlobalTap... or )
  • yes
  • no
Does this fountain mechanically chill the water (e.g. a water cooler)?
  • yes
  • minimal
  • no
Can an animal companion drink without extra assistance? Please do not count fountains where a dog dish has been placed, unless built into the fountain itself.

Drinking fountain that has dog=yes attribute

operator The entity responsible for operation and maintenance. The acronyms and names should be locally recognized and consistent. The prime purpose of this field is to enable reporting for the benefit of local agencies.
taste "metallic" Comment on the taste of the water. While subjective, it is editable by anyone, and perhaps a consensus will develop.

Useful combinations include:

Key Example values Notes
description "Hand operated deepwater well built by Boy Scouts in 1959" Describe the water source if appropriate.
fee yes For pay-to-fill dispensing stations.
heritage:operator nrhp Various fountains may be historic, or even registered historic, landmarks.
name Lotta Crabtree Fountain On occasion a fountain will have an official name.
note Actually owned by Big Chain Store Note to other mappers.
operator The entity responsible for operation and maintenance. The acronyms and names should be locally recognized and consistent. The prime purpose of this field is to enable reporting for the benefit of local agencies (e.g. 22% of your fountains are broken).
website The occasional fancy drinking water fountain has an authoritative website, generally with historic information. Use sparingly.

TODO: We wish to mirror in OSM various community drinking water schemes. This is where a shop or restaurant registers a willingness to fill personal water bottles for free. In all cases the data comes from outside OSM and we just want to mirror it [1]